Friday, January 3, 2014

Learning to Be Fruitful in His Eyes


I've found myself in a situation where I can't live my normal life. Several months ago I was rear-ended on my way back to work from my lunch break. Pain grew daily in my hip and lower back. An MRI showed that my ligament in my hip is torn. The injection from that same MRI sent my pain over the top and left me unable to walk or drive. I've found myself stuck in bed or on the couch for weeks. After watching many complete tv show seasons, I began to think, "What good is all this tv bringing me? Can't I do something more productive with my time?". With surgery coming up next week and facing a 2 month recovery time, I decided to start a blog compiling what I learn from spending time learning from God's word. This is my way of being productive or "fruitful". I want to state this clearly: I, in no way, can claim that I am perfect or know everything. I do not intend this to be a way to point my finger at others. I am a sinner who is saved by God's grace. I just want to share what I'm learning in hopes that someone else could learn God's love too. I encourage you to look up the scripture noted. If you are unable to, I will have another blog post with the corresponding verses. 

How can I be fruitful in the Lord's eyes? Part 1

1. Be careful what you say. Speech is an outpouring of the heart. (Proverbs 12:14, 27:19) The good man brings good things out of the good stored up in his heart, and the evil man brings evil things out of the evil stored up in his heart. For out of the over flow of his heart his mouth speaks. Luke 6:45 Are your words truthful? Are your words kind? I'm not a person who uses foul language often. Where I struggle most is when I get upset. If I feel hurt or feel like something isn't right, I tend to lash back to hurt the person who hurt me. I spent most of my life being quiet and reserved, just going along with what others said. A few years ago certain occurrences made me feel like I needed to stand up to people and make sure my side is known. I didn't want to feel mistreated anymore. In the process of doing so, I became mean and angry. I immediately feel regret over the anger that pours out of me. I'm trusting in The Lord to teach me to be calm and quiet. 

2. Take time to help others. A generous man will prosper; he who refreshes others will himself be refreshed. Proverbs 11:25 There is an endless amount of ways to help others. The Bible talks about giving away clothes or sharing food. (Luke 3:11) Go clean out your closet. Are you really using everything that is in there? Does every piece of clothing fit you comfortably? Every piece you give away is a piece that another person will treasure. If you have children, what are you doing with their old clothes? Find a family that could benefit from hand-me-downs. Giving away food doesn't always have to be the needy, even though we are called to do that. You can branch out from that and give to a friend in need. Do you know someone who has recently had a baby? Or a family that is too busy to have time to cook and sit down together at the table? Or someone with an illness, surgery, or a death in the family? Even taking a dozen cookies or donuts to a local business can brighten someone's day. Seeing joy on other people's faces is priceless. If those aren't things you can do, find a way to serve by working with your hands. (Proverbs 12:14) Ask your elderly neighbors is you can help them with any household work. 

I'm praying that these first two points are helpful and that you will come back and read more! 

1 comment:

  1. I love this, Jenny! I love your heart and love that you're writing this. Good job! And you're a great writer. I'll pray for you and your surgery and the pain that you're feeling. And I'll be your blog follower! :-)
