Saturday, January 4, 2014

Learning to be Fruitful Part 2

I hope that this post finds you well. I also hope that you had the chance to read the previous post and that it started something turning in your mind. I would love for you to leave comments on how God is speaking to you and what you are doing with His word! I'm going to continue on with my numbering from previous posts (in case you wonder why I start with #3 below, I'm not completely out of it). ;) Let's dive in y'all...

3. Be careful of who you are spending your time with and what you do with your time.  Blessed is the man who does not walk in the counsel of the wicked or stand in the way of sinners or sit in the seat of mockers. Psalm 1:1 Let me be clear with my intentions of this post- it is not our place to judge others. I just want us to be reflective on who we give our time and our energy to. Are your relationships helpful or hurtful? Are people dragging you down or lifting you up? And in return, are you lifting others up and helping them? We are called to be witnesses to others and to show love, kindness, mercy and compassion. The Bible says that those who win souls are wise. (Proverbs 11:30) What better gift can we share with others than the gift of Jesus Christ and eternal life? One of my favorite scriptures talks about being a light for Christ. (Matthew 5:14-16) Make sure that when you are giving to others that you take the time to get "filled back up". Running on empty will only hurt you and others. Take time to do things like attend a worship service, read a great devotional, or rest in a relaxing bath. My favorite "me" thing to do is to go get a pedicure. It relaxes me while giving me time to read and reflect. I used to sit there and play on my phone or read gossip magazines. One day I felt led to take a devotional book with me called You Were Made to Make a Difference. I read through several chapters which is something I never took the time to do in one sitting before. It's amazing how God works when we are willing!

4. Take time to read God's word. But his delight is in the law of the Lord, and on his law he meditates day and night. He is like a tree planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in season and whose leaf does not wither. Whatever he does prospers. Psalm 1:2-3 In previous times I found myself doing devotionals but never taking the time to read my Bible. We can learn great things from wonderful people but it can never compare to the things we can learn from God. The Bible also warns us to watch out for false prophets. (Matthew 7:15-23) Make sure what you believe in comes from the Big Man upstairs. I have always admired people who know so many scriptures. I've realized that I am the only person who is really keeping myself from knowing what they know. By God's grace the scriptures have always been available to me. It's my privilege to have the Bible and it's something I don't want to take for granted anymore. It's a special gift that I also want to continually share with my son. I am so thankful for parents who shared their faith with me. Let's not take our freedoms for granted. Let us not forget to thank the Lord for the gift of His word!

All my best,

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